The last few years I didn't make a New Years resolution. Instead, I joined the "word of the year" trend. Instead of a resolution, you come up with a word to focus on for the year. In 2022 my word was JOY. I wanted to make sure the decisions and actions in 2022 that sparked joy. Now obviously I still needed to do things that didn't spark joy, like cleaning. But when I had a choice, I tried to think of the word and make sure I was choosing actions or decision that brought joy to myself of someone else. This worked for me. Sometimes you set yourself up to fail on resolutions. Without a plan, you may not succeed. Then 2-3 months in you give up. Sometimes you don't even remember the resolution the next week. Now, you can always come up with another resolution or pick yourself up and start again. But remembering the word was easier for me, easier than a resolution. It helped guide some of my decisions in a positive way. Which is what we all want with a resolution, guidance.
In 2023, my word was ACTIVE. My intent wasn't to run a marathon or really be more physically active. It was to make sure I was being active with the kids, active in volunteering and active in relationships. I was finding that the kids would ask me to play or get on the floor and do something, and I was hesitating or actually saying no. Not because I didn't want to, I was just being lazy and didn't want to move from my warm spot on the couch or stop reading my book. Granted this mostly happened in the winter but in NY winter is about 6 months! I knew that wasn't the parent that I was, and I wanted to change that behavior. I am telling you that this word helped me throughout the year. I made sure that if they asked me to do something and I was relaxing, I got up and did it. I kept hearing the word in my head. I had committed to that word, and I made true to that commitment. It felt good. Now, before this blog post no one knew the word and that's ok. I knew it, and I was holding myself accountable.
The word would also ring in my head when it was a cold day and a neighbor asked me to walk. I really wanted to stay on the warm couch or in my sweats, but I did it anyways. I was always thankful that I did. But the word pushed me when I was comfortable and warm.
I tried to pick a word that would relate to many aspects of life: parenting, work, marriage, relationships or self-care.
Have you started thinking of a word you want to embody for 2024? A word that you can hear in your head to help drive positive behaviors, a change in though process or actions. There are so many great words that can help you reach your goals for 2024. What word will you select?
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