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2023 - Word

The last few years instead of making resolutions, people have been choosing a word.  Last year my word was JOY. I wanted to make sure decisions I was making (when I could) brought me joy.  I think I did a fairly good job of it, but not great.  I always teeter towards the end of the year.

I have been thinking of what my word will be for 2023 for a week or so. I have thought of many words but the one I decided on was ACTIVE.  I am not planning on running a marathon, becoming a body builder or losing weight.  I just want to be more active in life.  The last few years I have been lazy.  I have definitely lazy with physical activities but lazy in other aspects too. I will think of a good idea or want to go do something with a friend....... and then I don't initiate or get up and do my good idea.  I wait for someone to call me or wait "until tomorrow" to do the craft I want to start or finish the easy project that will take 15 minutes.  I want to me more active in saving / making money, more active at work, more active with the kids, at my house, etc.  You name it, you can be active in many things.  

On the weekends I know it's important to unwind and recharge but it is also important to connect with each other and make memories.  My family does a really good job of that, but I want to make sure we don't get lazy.  This past holiday season we didn't do as many "holiday events" as I would have liked.  I was late to sign up for a few things, I traveled for work in December, and I was lazy.  This is partly what sparked this word.  I want to work on finding fun, inexpensive family things to do and make sure they are on the calendar to do! Again, I may find something to do or think of something, but then I don't always take action. If I add it to the calendar, it is more likely to happen.  This is a baby step I can make to be more active.

I want to make sure we are connecting with friends and adding new friends as well.  This season of life it can be challenging to maintain friendships. It is so important to me and I really want to focus on that this year as well.  Being connected to others besides family is so important to our mental health. 

I definitely want to me more active on this blog. I started well, but then I faded.  My real job started getting insane and that took priority (as it should).  I have great ideas of the blog and how I can help professional Mom's.  I started working towards it but when I hit roadblocks I stopped. That isn't like me, and I really need to devote time to a few small goals for this space.  Baby steps helps us all meet out larger goals. If we don't know what the baby steps are it's really hard to accomplish the large goals.  "Rome wasn't built in a day" as they say, and a great blog wasn't made by one post! 

Let's start listing our baby steps!  In a few months, see how you are doing and if you need to add more steps.  

1.  I want to be physically active 3 days a week 

2.  Write and post a blog post once a week

3.  Connect/check in with a friend once a week that I haven't talked to in a while.

What is your word? 

What are your baby steps??  

Write them down and let see how we do!

We are all blessed in so many ways. We just have to stop and see the blessings.  I hope this year you are able to find and appreciate your blessings in all aspects of life.

Cheers to 365 new chances to make this year great!


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Diary of a Business Mom
I am a working mother of 2 little ones, a wife, career woman, novice gardener, and a lover of all crafts! Grab a glass of wine and enjoy a happy place on the internet.