The last few years I didn't make a New Years resolution. Instead, I joined the "word of the year" trend. Instead of a resolution, you come up with a word to focus on for the year. In 2022 my word was JOY. I wanted to make sure the decisions and actions in 2022 that sparked joy. Now obviously I still needed to do things that didn't spark joy, like cleaning. But when I had a choice, I tried to think of the word and make sure I was choosing actions or decision that brought joy to myself of someone else. This worked for me. Sometimes you set yourself up to fail on resolutions. Without a plan, you may not succeed. Then 2-3 months in you give up. Sometimes you don't even remember the resolution the next week. Now, you can always come up with another resolution or pick yourself up and start again. But remembering the word was easier for me, easier than a resolution. It helped guide some of my decisions in a posit...