We finished the renovation in our master bathroom a few weeks ago. It’s gorgeous and I am so happy with the results. This entire process, besides the shower accent (thank Melissa!) came from Pinterest and Home Depot. Literally, this is a Pinterest Bathroom! When we decided we wanted to redo the space I knew how I wanted the sink area to be. (our bathroom has a sink area and then a separate space for the shower and toilet.) The set up works great for us so I knew I didn’t want to change that. I had pinned a bathroom I loved a couple years ago. In looking at my “Master bathroom” board on pinterest I had a ton of similar layouts. It was very obvious what layout I liked. Thankfully my husband loved it too. We literally duplicated the picture. Down to the cabinet handles. As you can see the cabinet color changed therefore so did the granite. We started out with the shower area to mimic this bloggers but in the end w...