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Showing posts from February, 2024

Motivational Monday - 2/26/24

I love this. This is a little plaque on my desk at work and I read it everyday. We know these things, but sometimes the reminder is important.  You got this! Have a great Monday!

7+ Proven Fundraising Ideas

Fundraising is a necessity if you are in a travel sport, dance, school or club.  Sometimes if feels like you are always asking your friends and family for money. I know that is how we feel sometimes.  After being in a travel organization for 4 years, here are a few ideas that have been successful to help us raise money.  The key is to only do 1-2 a year, per sport.  The goal is to raise the most money you can with the fewest fundraisers!  A profitable and creative fundraiser is always the goal! Here are fundraisers we have done ourselves of other local teams have had great success at. 1.  Football Squares This one very profitable, but it does seem that every Fall/Winter sports team does them.  Most teams do them for the Superbowl but don't forget you can do them for ANY football game. We did this fundraiser when the Bill's played on Thanksgiving in years past and right before Christmas.  Any other idea can be for rivalry games.  A game that w...

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Diary of a Business Mom
I am a working mother of 2 little ones, a wife, career woman, novice gardener, and a lover of all crafts! Grab a glass of wine and enjoy a happy place on the internet.