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Showing posts from November, 2023

Motivation Monday - 11/27/2023


Motivation Monday - 12/4/2023


What's Up Wednesday - 11/29/2023

In my quest to blog more frequently, I am linking up with Shay and Sheaffer on the last Wednesday of the month.  Make sure you check out their blogs as well. I have been reading both of them for years and they are 2 of my favorites.  I love reading blogs and to me it's an escape from reality.  It's like talking to a girlfriend and taking a sneak peek into their lives, closet and home.   I have always wanted to blog.  I typically wrote a post every 6 months so right now I am pretty horrible, and no one reads.  But, in 2024 my goal is consistency.  Stay tuned, maybe someday you will be saying my blog is your favorite.  That would be music to my ears! Here is what we have been up to lately. 1.  Thanksgiving  I sat on the couch at my brother and sister in laws after a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.  It came to me, if you host or cook Thanksgiving, you are truly an angel.  You welcome people into your homes, cook, entertain and ...

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Diary of a Business Mom
I am a working mother of 2 little ones, a wife, career woman, novice gardener, and a lover of all crafts! Grab a glass of wine and enjoy a happy place on the internet.